sábado, dezembro 15, 2007

Dighton Rock e Miguel CorteReal

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Foto da pedra no seu local com a maré cheia

Uma pintura em óleo de 1807

O fotógrafo Seth Eastman fotografou a pedra em 1853 as inscrições
foram pintadas a giz para se ver melhor.
(Tinha-se já inventado fotografia em 1853!!!!!!!)

Outro ângulo da pedra com a maré seca.

Envolvido neste tema de Colon está a Pedra de Dighton por ser realacionada ao navegador Miguel CorteReal. Esta pedra tem uma longa história e não vamos descrever-la toda aqui por ser já tratada tanto no nosso livro como no do Dr. Luciano da Silva, Mascarenhas Barreto e outros.
O significado da pedra é tão abrangente como provas das navegações portuguesas á Nova Inglaterra e provas da politica do sigilo.
Metemos aqui as fotos e o que é tido como a primeira noticia da Pedra:
The Reverend John Danforth made a sketch of the marks engraved in the rock in October 1680. This sketch has been preserved in the British Museum.
A.D. 1690, the Reverend Cotton Mather, of witchcraft and brimstone fame, described it and the curious message engraved on its weathered, red-brown sandstone face.
Among the other Curiosities of New-England,” Mather wrote 268 years ago in The Wonderful Works of God Commemorated, “One is that of a mighty Rock, on a perpendicular side whereof by a River, which at High Tide covers part of it, there are very deeply Engraved, no man alive knows How or When about half a score Lines, near Ten Foot Long, and a foot and half broad, filled with strange Characters: which would suggest as odd Thoughts about them that were here before us, as there are odd Shapes in that Elaborate Monument.…”

......the Viking theory of the rock was completely demolished in 1916 by the late Professor Edmund B. Delabarre of Brown University. Dehtbarre, a psychologist as well as a literary detective,....Looking once more, very intently, at an eleven-yearold photograph of the rock on his desk, Delabarr made a most curious and unexpected discovery.

It may well be imagined,” he later wrote, “with what astonishment, on examining the photograph for the hundredth time … I saw in it clearly and unmistakably the date 1511. No one had ever seen it before, on rock or photograph; yet once seen, its genuine presence on the rock cannot be doubted.”

Further study thereafter enabled Delabarre to decipher, along with the date, the emblazoned shield, or quinas, of the Kingdom of Portugal, and these graven letters:

Even a first-year Latin student could puzzle out the meaning:
Miguel Cortereal, by the will of God, here leader of the Indians.”

( http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/1958/4/1958_4_62.shtml )

3 comentários:

  1. É o Miguel Côrte-Real, o da pedra de Dighton que foi chefe dos índios! Ele não morreu, isso faz parte da conspiração de D.João II!

    Saltou da pedra, e aí vai ele novamente conspirar!

    Gonçalo, o índio

  2. O J. C. S. J. é o autor do blog de ataques ao Mistério Colombo Revelado
