sexta-feira, julho 24, 2009

Comentários de Leitores sobre Colombo Português-Novas Revelações

Muito obrigado pela sua "luta", pela sua dedicação e amor à nossa nação!! É devido à sua postura que as palavras de um antigo poeta fazem todo o sentido: "Portugal é um acto de vontade!" Bem haja.
-- P. Pais

Espantoso trabalho! Tenho recomendado – e oferecido – exemplares do seu “Novas Revelações”. Muito obrigado por tudo.

-- P. F. Marcos

Parabéns pelo novo livro "Colombo Português" o qual estou a ler com sofreguidão tal como fiz com "O Mistério de Colombo Revelado".
Penso que, neste momento, para lá daquele tipo de historiadores portugueses que se limita a citar todos os trabalhos anteriores, perpetuando os erros e preconceitos enraizados e a quem nunca ocorreu formular algumas perguntas simples mas disruptivas, apenas autores anglo-saxónicos( leia-se americanos ) com a sua perdilecção disneyana pela temática "poor boy/rich girl/happy end", e o poderoso lobby ítalo-americano aceitam a história do cardador de lãs analfabeto que miraculosamente, em meia dúzia de anos, se torna mestre numa série de ciências diferentes, priva com o Rei mais secretivo da época e casa com uma fidalga. Se isto não é Hollywood!...

Desejo-lhe, desde já as maiores felicidades, e que a sorte ou a Providência coloquem no seu caminho aquela prova conclusiva e indesmentível por que todos ansiamos, para que Colon deixe de ser "para sempre confundido" e nós consigamos saír da "floresta de asneiras"!
-- A. Ramires

Acabo de ler o livro de V. Exa. que é a todos os títulos uma obra de Mestre intitulada Cólon Português. Lisboa, ed. Esquilo, 2009.

- M. A. Norton

4 comentários:

  1. "¿Y donde esta Colon?", la respuesta es fulminante: "A Colon se lo comió el león".

  2. By Michael Perry
    SYDNEY (Reuters) - A 16th century maritime map in a Los Angeles library vault proves that Portuguese adventurers, not British or Dutch, were the first Europeans to discover Australia, says a new book which details the secret discovery of Australia.

    The book "Beyond Capricorn" says the map, which accurately marks geographical sites along Australia's east coast in Portuguese, proves that Portuguese seafarer Christopher de Mendonca lead a fleet of four ships into Botany Bay in 1522 -- almost 250 years before Britain's Captain James Cook.

    Australian author Peter Trickett said that when he enlarged the small map he could recognize all the headlands and bays in Botany Bay in Sydney -- the site where Cook claimed Australia for Britain in 1770.

    "It was even so accurate that I found I could draw in the modern airport runways, to scale in the right place, without any problem at all," Trickett told Reuters on Wednesday.

    Trickett said he stumbled across a copy of the map while browsing through a Canberra book shop eight years ago.

    He said the shop had a reproduction of the Vallard Atlas, a collection of 15 hand drawn maps completed no later than 1545 in France. The maps represented the known world at the time.

    Two of the maps called "Terra Java" had a striking similarity to Australia's east coast except at one point the coastline jutted out at right angles for 1,500 km (932 miles).

    "There was something familiar about them but they were not quite right -- that was the puzzle. How did they come to have all these Portuguese place names?," Trickett said.

    Trickett believed the cartographers who drew the Vallard maps had wrongly aligned two Portuguese charts they were copying from.

    It is commonly accepted that the French cartographers used maps and "portolan" charts acquired illegally from Portugal and Portuguese vessels that had been captured, Trickett said.

    "The original portolan maps would have been drawn on animal hide parchments, usually sheep or goat skin, of limited size," he explained. "For a coastline the length of eastern Australia, some 3,500 kms, they would have been 3 to 4 charts."

    "The Vallard cartographer has put these individual charts together like a jigsaw puzzle. Without clear compass markings its possible to join the southern chart in two different ways. My theory is it had been wrongly joined."

    Using a computer Trickett rotated the southern part of the Vallard map 90 degrees to produce a map which accurately depicts Australia's east coast.

    "They provided stunning proof that Portuguese ships made these daring voyages of discovery in the early 1520s, just a few years after they had sailed north of Australia to reach the Spice Islands -- the Moluccas. This was a century before the Dutch and 250 years before Captain Cook," he said.

    Trickett believes the original charts were made by Mendonca who set sail from the Portuguese base at Malacca with four ships on a secret mission to discover Marco Polo's "Island of Gold" south of Java.

  3. TITLE: Exploring Waldseemuller's World: Changes and Revolutions

    SPEAKER: Various Speakers
    EVENT DATE: 05/15/2009
    RUNNING TIME: 207 minutes


    Prominent scholars gathered at the Library to examine Waldseemuller's cartographic vision and to reflect on the philosophical and historical context of the map's production and reception. Experts spoke on a wide range of topics, from the history of exploration and German Humanism to the mathematical and astronomical basis of early 16th-century cartography.

    Queiram ter a coragem de ver esta vidio conferência da Livraria do Congresso dos USA, mais tarde ou mais cedo Portugal sairá engrandecido de tudo isto.

    José Manuel CH-GE

  4. Exploring Waldseemuller's World & Tayos Cueva

    Tenho os ouvidos cheios de ouvir falar de Albrecht Dürer nesta conferência, não me parece ser desta que os portugueses vão ser reconhecidos por conhecer o Pacifico antes de Magalhães ou outro espanhol, isto é muito politicamente complicado, e os portugueses cada vez mais são esquecidos.

    (O Enigma dos estandartes portugueses
    que assinalam, neste mapa de Waldseemüller de 1507, a passagem marítima do Oceano Atlântico Para o Pacifico, antes da sua descoberta por Fernão de Magalhães em 1519)

    A explicação dos americanos ao conhecimento das montanhas do Chili antes de ser descoberto oficialmente é "afinação estilística" de Waldseemuller, se bem compreendi.
    Mas merece a pena ouvir as perguntas no fim da conferência, as pessoas estão fartas de mentiras e não se contentam com as repostas do establishment. (ver desde 1:35 vídeo)

    TITLE: Exploring Waldseemuller's World: Changes and Revolutions
    SPEAKER: Various Speakers
    EVENT DATE: 05/15/2009
    RUNNING TIME: 207 minutes
    Prominent scholars gathered at the Library to examine Waldseemuller's cartographic vision and to reflect on the philosophical and historical context of the map's production and reception. Experts spoke on a wide range of topics, from the history of exploration and German Humanism to the mathematical and astronomical basis of early 16th-century cartography.

    Por estas razões passo a outros assuntos mais despolitizados, Tayos Cueva, e recomendo a "leitura" desta biblioteca esquecida ou censurada ou a redescobrir, existem outras para ser desenterradas, mais tarde farei referencia;

    José Manuel CH-GE
